deniz yaltan

entrepreneur, representative, author

Everything starts with awareness. The cigarette butt thrown by the man on the street, the sounds of people in the building, the things being talked about two tables away in the place where you sit, the deficiencies or things missed in the business documents, all the tools that the woman trying to sell you something can use, what is happening now, what will happen next week, what will happen in three months and later. Seeing and knowing how the picture works and where the ever-flowing order is going is often a disturbing thing. It is a situation that is not enough to be expressed, but also gets a performance rating with the awareness of the addressee. They choose you, train you, and if you're in the mood, you go somewhere. You decorate newspaper pages, share holiday photos from Dubai, and make openings. People button up their buttons in front of you and you are always busy. This is a choice, a choice I gave up making 25 years ago.

In Eastern cultures in particular, the more complex the organizational structures, the more complex the relationships within the structure become. I will not delve into the internal dynamics of institutions such as the state at length. I tried to be in minimal and qualified environments. Throughout my life, I have stayed away from structures that feed very complex and formal patterns, I did not prefer them much. I either worked as a manager or as a partner in my own company in areas such as hotel management, international trade, and plastic recycling. Even though I have never evaluated it professionally, I have articles and narratives.

I tried to have preliminary knowledge on many subjects that I deal with from time to time, just as a hobby, without any commercial concerns, to the point of doing business with professionals in the field and having it done. It has a vocabulary on many different subjects such as agriculture, digital visual design (logo, web, photo editing and related software), web software (php, mysql), polymer technical analysis, financial analysis and interpretation, tourist investment analysis, product-based international market structures. I humbly believe I have it. Actually, all of them have a commercial value. Sir, I recommend to you the pleasure of being an individual who learns quickly, is curious and lives by effectively transforming the knowledge he acquires. And this is my first time doing something related to digital publishing.